Ahavat Hashem: The Teshuvah of Chodesh Elul (2008)
The significance of Rosh Chodesh and the month of Elul (2000)
Rosh Hashana Yom Teruah and Zikhron Teruah: The Centrality of Mitzvat Shofar even on Shabbat Rosh Hashanah (2009)
A Blueprint for Teshuvah (2003)
Yom Kippur: The Day of the Kohen Gadol (2017)
Sukkos Shmini Atzeret: A Celebration of the Foundational Pillars of Avodat Hashem (2020)
Yeshivah be-Sukkah: An Immersive and Comprehensive Religious Experience (2019)
Simchat Sukkot: An Expression of Avodah and Hashra'at HaShechinah (2016)
Chag haSukkot: Avodat Hashem in the Aftermath of the Yamim Noraim (2013)
Shemini Azeret: The Contrast, Complement, and Culmination of Sukkot (2011)
Vehayita Ach Sameach: The Joy of Shemini Azeret (2006)
The Link Between Yom Kippur and Sukkot (2001)
"Rav, Od Yosef beni Chai": Yaakov-Yisrael's Paradigmatic Response (2024)
The Bayit-Centric Celebration of Chanukah (2021)
Neirot Chanukah: A Priceless, Indispensable Mitzvah (2020)
Al ha-Nissim in Birkat ha-Mazon: A Reflexive Halachic Expression of Chanukah Hoda'ah (2019)
The Yom Tov of Chanukah (2017)
The Obligation of Responsible Leadership (2016)
Chanukah: A "Yom Tov" of Hallel and Hodaah (2013)
Neirot Chanukah: A Cherished Expression of Ahavat and Kidush Hashem (2011)
Chanukah as a Holiday of Idealism and Maximalism (2006)
The Essence of Chanukah: The Relationship of Halachic Commitment and Performance (2004)
Purim: An Enduring Festival of Faith and Hope (2025)
Megillat Esther: Truth and Peace in the Pursuit of Jewish Survival (2013)Parshas HaChodesh Parshat ha-Chodesh and its link with Pesach (2001)
"Yehi libi tamim be-chukecha": Korban Pesach as Chukim - Pillars of Commitment (2023)
"Halelu Avdei Hashem Velo Avdei Pharoh": The Pesach Journey Mei-avdut Le-avodah (=Cherut) (2022)Sippur Yetziat Mitzrayim's Mikra Bikkurim as a Statement of Faith (2016)
Chag ha-Cherut: Autonomy and Liberation in the Pursuit of Transcendence (2016)
The Conjunction of Sippur and Zechirat Mitzrayim (2011)
The Triad of Pesach, Matzah, Marror: Marror as a Catalyst for Faith and Redemption (2010)
Korban Pesach: A Symbol of Faith and Commitment (2010)
Matzah as an Expression of Hodaah (2006)
Chag haPesach: The Ideal Introduction to Chag haMatzot (2004)
The Special Connection Between Pesach and Shabbat (2003)
Shevii Shel Pesach: The Yom Tov of Shirah (2002)
Sefiras Ha-Omer Sefirat Ha-Omer: A Process of Individual and National Growth (2013)
The Sefirat HaOmer Period: A Dimension of Kedushat HaZeman (2012)
Reflections on Sefirat Ha-Omer (1999)
Yom Ha'atzmaut / Israel The Eretz Yisrael Factor in Nigei Batim (2012)
Ameilut ba-Torah: A Cornerstone and Methodology of Meaningful Halachic Existence (2024)
Three Weeks, Tisha B'av, Nachamu, Tu B'av Tisha B'Av: A Day of Supplication and Commemoration (2021)
Tisha B'Av: A Day of Tears, A Day of Hope, A Catalyst for Teshuvah Mei'ahavah (2020)
Experiencing and Internalizing the Churban: Ramban's view on Havdalah (2019)
Mourning and Celebrating "The Good Mountain", Yerushalayim (2017)
The Unique Character of Tisha B'Av (2001)