Aseres Yemei Teshuva
Reaching our Destination (2015)
Rosh Hashana
One Mitzvah Leads to Another (2021)
Selfless Tears: The Sounds of the Shofar (2019)
Creating the Mood for Rosh Hashana (2010)
Yom Kippur
Torah and Chessed - The Secrets of Kaparah (2012)
Angels or Sinners - Who Are We? (2007)
The Harvest Festival: A Spiritual Perspective (2014)
The Secret of Shmini Atzeres (2003)
The Dual Victory of Chanukah (2005)
Ignoring the Obvious, Acknowledging the Concealed (2023)
The Deeper Meaning of Seudas Purim (2002)
A Night of Transformation (2022)
Yetzias Mitzrayim - Pesach and Beyond (2018)
Kashering our Utensils and our Hearts (2015)
After Krias Yam Suf - Where Do We Go From Here? (2001)
Sefiras Ha-Omer
Omer and Shtei Halechem: Two Sides of Man (2003)
Shabbos and Yom Tov - Hashem and His People (2023)
Shavuos: Do Not Forget, For Ourselves and Our Children (2014)
Days and Weeks: Two Worlds yet One Goal (2013)
Guarding the Ultimate Treasure (2012)
You Can Be a Kohein and a King (2007)
Our Master and Our Beloved: A Dual Approach to Avodat Hashem (2000)
Three Weeks, Tisha B'av, Nachamu, Tu B'av
Above the Letter of The Law (2022)