Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky - The Point of No Return (2025)
Rabbi Hershel Schachter - Precision in Minhagim (2023)
Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger - Joy and Dissonance (2022)
Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg - Kindness: The Catalyst for Salvation (2021)
Rabbi Benjamin Yudin - Keeping the Faith (2020)
Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg - A Full Redemption (2019)
Rabbi Daniel Stein - Saved by Sacrifice (2018)
Rabbi Hershel Schachter - Yosef's Oath (2016)
Rabbi Yakov Haber - Song of the Sea: Song of Unity, Song of the Future (2015)
Rabbi Hershel Schachter - The Institution of Tanach (2014)
Rabbi Mayer Twersky - Mon for All Generations (2013)
Rabbi Mayer Twersky - The Challenge of Changing (2011)
Rabbi Yakov Haber - Mann and Parnassa (2010)
Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky - Loving Hashem in Many Ways (2009)
Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger - The Magic of Torah (2008)
Rabbi Mordechai Willig - Defying Nature (2007)
Rabbi Michael Rosensweig - The Art and Urgency of Prayer (2006)
Rabbi Yonason Sacks - Lechem Min Hashomayim: The Miracle of the Mann (2005)
Rabbi Yakov Haber - Amaleik, Kaddish, and the Unity of G-d's Name (2004)
Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger - "Whatchamacallit": Appreciating What We Are Given (2003)
Rabbi Mordechai Willig - Two Women, Two Songs (2002)
Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky - The Hand of Hashem - Miracles and Nature (2001)