
Audio Shiurim on Purim

Rabbi Michael Rosensweig - Purim: An Enduring Festival of Faith and Hope (2025)

Rabbi Mayer Twersky - אלקי אקרא יומם (2024)

Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg - Admitting Our Mistakes (2024)

Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz - What's the Proper Way to Celebrate Purim During a War? (2024)

Rabbi Mordechai Willig - The Joy of Adar I (2024)

Rabbi Hershel Schachter - Individual and Communal Conversion (2024)

Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky - Ignoring the Obvious, Acknowledging the Concealed (2023)

Rabbi Mordechai Willig - Happiness: Resolving Doubt and Walking Straight (2023)

Rabbi Hershel Schachter - Chaviv Adam Shenivra B'Tzelem (Substance Abuse) (2022)

Rabbi Hershel Schachter - Drinking: When and How Much (2022)

Rabbi Yakov Haber - "Thank G-d for the Little Things" (2021)

Rabbi Daniel Stein - Our Core Values (2021)

Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg - Do Clothes Really Make the Man? (2020)

Rabbi Yakov Haber - The Two Day Holiday of Purim (2018)

Rabbi Benjamin Yudin - Inside Out (2017)

Rabbi Yakov Haber - Purim and Korbanos: The New and Renewal of the Old (2016)

Rabbi Mordechai Willig - Obliterating Haman From Our Midst (2015)

Rabbi Mayer Twersky - Surrender and Victory - The Mitzvah of Mechiyas Amalek (2015)

Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger - Milchemes Amalek and Tefilah Betzibur (2014)

Rabbi Mordechai Willig - Happy with our Portion (2014)

Rabbi Yakov Haber - Purim and Providence: the Amaleik Connection (2013)

Rabbi Michael Rosensweig - Megillat Esther: Truth and Peace in the Pursuit of Jewish Survival (2013)

Rabbi Yakov Haber - Amaleik and Purim: Deception and Self-Deception (2012)

Rabbi Mordechai Willig - Gladness and Joy (2012)

Rabbi Mayer Twersky - The Faith of Shmuel Hanavi (2011)

Rabbi Benjamin Yudin - Purim: Insight into Hindsight (2011)

Rabbi Benjamin Yudin - Belief Comes From Past Experience (2010)

Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski - The Superiority of Purim (2010)

Rabbi Hershel Schachter - Parshas Zachor (2009)

Rabbi Mordechai Willig - The Joy of Adar (2009)

Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger - Purim's Lesson for a Time of Crisis (2008)

Rabbi Yonason Sacks - Two Geulot, One Message (2008)

Rabbi Hershel Schachter - Will the Real Adar Please Step Forward (2008)

Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger - The Ketores, Chessed, and Purim (2007)

Rabbi Yonason Sacks - The Character of Ta'anis Esther (2007)

Rabbi Yonason Sacks - The Uniqueness of Purim (2005)

Rabbi Benjamin Yudin - The Mishkan: A Different Kind of Group Home (2004)

Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky - The Deeper Meaning of Seudas Purim (2002)

Rabbi Hershel Schachter - The Spirit of Purim (2001)

Rabbi Mordechai Willig - Purim: The Holiday of Giving (1999)